The PQ200 ECG machine is an item usually inquired about.
If you intend to tender on the PQ200 ECG machine for state hospitals or other companies for this product, kindly review the tender documents and requesting party to confirm that it is not a scam. Very often government letterheads are used as tender requests to trick companies in thinking the tender is from government origin. Examples of web sites where we believe this scam is run, is Cynec Medical Suppliers, Prymmedicalsuppliers and Globalmedicalgroup (already removed from the web). This message is automated and set up by Dieter van der Westhuizen, Director, DJ Medquip, trying to offer safe online shopping and standing for anti-cyber-theft.
The PQ200 ECG machine is unfortunately not available, nor could we locate any such item in the international database or source a supplier of such item internationally. We do not tender for the government, nor do we intend to ever do so, so consider sending us the tender documents so that we can assist you in this matter in finding the machine at one of our international suppliers. We will kindly assist as DJ Medquip has relationships with medical supplies factories in China, India, USA and Europe and we have companies manufacturing our own branded products.
For inquiries regarding PQ200 ECG machine kindly contact Dieter van der Westhuizen at:
Please include your tender documents to be able to assist you fully or kindly have a look at the ECG machines that we do offer, so it should be able to fulfill your tender requirements.